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Monday, February 1, 2010

Americans I respect part 2: Michael Savage

The next American on my list is very special.
I have a great deal of respect for Dr. Michael Savage.
For those who have been living in cave for the last twenty plus years Dr. Savage has been expressing his right of free speech as an American & doing so without shame or regret.

For those who may not know Dr. Savage is actually banned from Britain entirely!!I have listened to the man for years now & not once have I heard him say anything that would encite hate or violence.

He is on the same list as known terrorist & murders!! I guess this is what happens when you speak the truth & don't play ball.

Dr. Savage truly loves our military & police force & he has shown a tremendous amount of support for our military & police forces. In a day & age where we persecute our own defenders of law & justice he stands beside them offering much needed moral & fianancial support.

Dr. Savage inspired me to create this blog in the first place.
Dr. Savage calls it like it is instead of trying to tickle the ear with pleasing words.He inspired me to say whats on my mind & hopefully on the minds of many others & for that I truly thank you Michael. I want you to know you do not stand alone.

Borders, Language, Culture.
You sir are an American I can respect.

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